
Welcome to the Ink Well Kids community!

We are a 100% volunteer-run 501(c)3 non-profit organization of professional animators, illustrators, and cartoonists who provide free arts activities and supplies to children facing severe illness and home-life challenges such as foster care, abuse, and neglect.

It is our hope that by creating with the artists behind their favorite TV shows, films, and books, the kids we serve may experience the power of art as self-expression, bond with others enduring similar challenges, and just simply get a break from trying times and have some fun.

Our artists come from TV shows like Sesame Street, SpongeBob, The Simpsons, and Dora the Explorer; features such as Ice Age and The Rugrats; comic books like Batman, The Hulk, Spider-Man; and illustrations for The New Yorker, Alice in Wonderland books and much more.  We’ve been sharing the healing power of art and community with the Ink Well Kids since 2005!